Digital clock & world weather v5.82.2 [Premium] APK

    • Version v1.7 APK
    • Download 59
    • File Size 50.1 KB
    • Create Date December 30, 2022
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    Digital clock and world-weather is a fully-featured, Weather application as well as widget.

    Application and widget provide the following features:

    There are many widget skins to pick from (more skins to come in the near future)Weather icon skins
    Different fonts to match the date
    - Display the alarm's next time the next calendar event, and the week's date in the widget (optional)
    Hotspots for widgets - There are several (most of them are customized by the user to launch specific applications)
    Locations automatically (from wifi or cell phones) or manually
    - Automatically updated weather interval (15 minutes, 30 minutes 1, 2, 4 6 8, eight hours) or manually
    Hour change notification
    The forecast is a detailed and current display, which includes the following information:
    Local time (for the current place of residence)
    Time of sunrise and sunset for the current location
    Humidity, pressure possibility for rain visibility UV index, and wind conditions
    Current conditions temperatures, low, and high temperatures
    Last update on the weather
    Background as per the weather conditions and night/day
    Optional display of the Moon's current phase.
    24-hour forecast of the weather
    - 24 hourly forecast for wind
    7-day future forecast for the 7th day
    Future forecast information (sunrise sunset moon phase Wind, humidity, and rain chance
    World weather: Select to display information about the weather in up to 10 distinct locations around the world.