YoWhatsApp Gold [WhatsApp Mod] v9.70 [WhatsApp Mod] APK

    • Version v1.7 APK
    • Download 59
    • File Size 50.1 KB
    • Create Date December 23, 2022
    • Download

    YoWhatsApp is a material-designed mod that offers tons of features, including customization, lock mode, privacy mods and hide last seen. It has all the features of Official WhatsApp. I will only share additional features of YoWa. Here's a list of YOWA features that you can use after installing it:

    You can set an image as background on your WhatsApp home screen. Just tap the voice record button, and swipe up.
    Different profile pictures in different groups (inside/outside).
    Also supports Android 8.0+ devices
    Call blocking, select who can call you via WhatsApp
    Based entirely on the latest official version of WhatsApp
    Contact Picture from the message bubble
    Change the name color of a group participant.
    New ticks, new bubbles.
    Privacy Mods – Select who can contact you, view your status, and send a message.
    Cool fonts added
    Added Android 0 emojis.
    You can send any type of file, such as apk or zip, pdf, and many others.
    Numerous customization options and tweaks were added.
    Added a very smooth UI.
    Maximum file size for all media files increased to 700MB
    Performance tweaks are faster than official WhatsApp