- Version v1.7 APK
- Download 74
- File Size 50.1 KB
- Create Date December 20, 2022
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XposedInstaller_3.1.1.apk from this thread: Must be installed to manage installed modules, the framework won't work without it.
Framework xposed*.zip Must be flashed with a custom recovery (e.g. TWRP) to install the framework.
SDK21 is Android 5.0 (Lollipop), SDK22 is Android 5.1 (also Lollipop) and SDK23 is Android 6.0 (Marshmallow).
I only support the latest Xposed version!
xposed-uninstaller*.zip Can be flashed with a custom recovery (e.g. TWRP) to uninstall the framework.
The small .asc files are GPG signatures of the .zip files. You can verify them against this key (fingerprint: 0DC8 2B3E B1C4 6D48 33B4 C434 E82F 0871 7235 F333). That's actually the master key, the files are signed with subkey 852109AA.