Wps Wpa Tester Premium v3.9.4 [Patched] APK

    • Version v1.7 APK
    • Download 74
    • File Size 50.1 KB
    • Create Date December 22, 2022
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    This is the version that does not include advertising from "WIFI WPS WPA TESTER".If you didn't try free version, we suggest you not buy it. free edition, we advise to avoid purchasing this version that is premium.

    Are you interested in knowing whether you Wireless Access Point is vulnerable to the WPS protocol?
    The Wps Tester app is the application you've been looking for!

    This app can test the connection to a Wi-Fi Access Point by using a WPS PIN.
    PINs are calculated by utilizing a variety of algorithms using MAC Address. There are other PINs that are included in a local database of various Access Point.

    Fortunately, only a small portion of Wireless Access Point are vulnerable to WPS protocol.