WazzapMigrator v4.4.0 [Patched] APK

    • Version v1.7 APK
    • Download 59
    • File Size 50.1 KB
    • Create Date January 3, 2023
    • Download

    WazzapMigrator allows you to Transfer your WhatsApp history to iPhone and Android. Did you switch to iPhone for Android? It is possible to transfer all of all of the information from your WhatsApp history (texts pictures, text messages video, and texts) onto your brand newly purchased Android phone.

    FEATURES Of WazzapMigrator :

    Import messages and emojis

    Import images, audio and video from any source.

    This is true regardless of whether the iPhone has been given away or sold. You must ensure that there is an iTunes backup of your computer or Mac.





    Are you worried over your personal privacy? Before installing, review of the authorizations. The app doesn't have permission to connect to the internet. This means that your information can't be stored within your mobile.