HourBuddy – Time Tracker & Productivity v1.5 [Premium] APK

    • Version v1.7 APK
    • Download 59
    • File Size 50.1 KB
    • Create Date December 23, 2022
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    HourBuddy can help you track your time and produce reports. This productivity timer will make it easy to stop procrastinating!

    Time tracking With HourBuddy, you can assign your task to a client, a project or add custom tags. It makes it easy to identify which clients or projects are wasting your time. This allows freelancers to keep track of and bill clients for their work hours.

    Task Timer and Manual Time Entry
    The time tracker can be used in two ways to track your time:
    Auto Task Timer
    HourBuddy will immediately start tracking your task and will keep track of the duration until the task is completed.
    Manual Time Entry
    You can manually enter work hours for tasks. This is ideal for tasks that are bulk added or when you forget time tracking.

    Earnings Tracker
    You might be a freelancer and want to create a time report. This will allow you to keep track of your earnings, based on your hourly rate. You can use this app to track your jobs. Each task will have a different hourly wage. It will calculate your daily, weekly, and yearly earnings based on these numbers.